Beneath the Philadelphi Route: Egypt, Hamas, and the Battle for the Gaza Tunnels

Beneath the Philadelphi Route: Egypt, Hamas, and the Battle for the Gaza Tunnels

The Egyptian crackdown on the Gaza tunnels, which began in February 2013, is a symptom of growing anti-Palestinian and anti-Hamas sentiment in Egypt. Although the country has been moving away from Nasser’s vision of pan-Arab nationalism for decades, the distinctly negative portrayal of Palestinians is a new development.

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Creativity under the Crescent: Contemporary Art in the Middle East

Creativity under the Crescent: Contemporary Art in the Middle East

Although many Americans associate Middle Eastern regimes with government censorship and repression, the contemporary art world in MENA has actually flourished, and is as vibrant as ever in the wake of the Arab Spring. These nine contemporary artists each convey a unique and insightful perspective on their lives and connections with their respective countries in the Middle East

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Arrested (Sustainable) Development

Arrested (Sustainable) Development

Despite their rich oil resources, the countries of the Gulf region are determined not be left behind in the rush to develop renewable energy and sustainable technologies. But are "sustainable cities" such as those under construction in Abu Dhabi and Dubai the most effective and efficient method? 

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